A letter from October 26th, 2017

书于 2017年10月26日16时51分
历经 730 天
已于 2019年10月26日16时51分 投递

Dear FutureMe,

How's life today? This letter would be 2 years earlier than when you are today. So what have you accomplished? How old are you now? 28? Haha. Last year to still be on the calendar.

I hope you have your own car already. If not yet, buy next week, okay? Are you an awesome web developer already? I think you are. If not, that's a shame. But, seriously, if you're not yet the developer that I envisioned you to be, it's okay. I think you're pretty satisfied with what you're doing today. I hope everything is fine. Even though what you planned didn't turn out to be what you wanted. But you know, i believe in you. This should be an encouragement, a motivation for the present me. I know we can code. We can do this. I'm trying today. And I hope you're still trying there. We can't turn back. We're past the point of no return. Be happy! Go for it! I'm trying to do my best here. Okay, maybe not the best, but I'm trying. In my own little steps. I hope you won't regret the decision I made today. Every transition is difficult and scary. But it's our only chance to grow. Don't regret the time the we resigned in our job. Don't blame me if it didn't turn to be what we really wanted. We're just living our life here. Cherish every moment. Life is too short to be wasted. Let's don't waste time. And if we did waste time before, we can't turn back time. We just have to live in the present. Forget about the wrong doings we did in the past but don't forget the lessons we've learned.

Cheers to us! Cheers for the next year when our age will not be in the calendars anymore. That's just an age. We look younger than our age, anyway. Hehe!

I hope you're still blogging


