How is going with you?Already tuo mouths later.Have you changeed?
They say ask the right qustions and you will get the best answears A powerfulquestion can change everything for you especially if you are asking it to yourself will full presence. I believe in this process is not far away
I am undefeated Nothig can stop me
要坚信 学的过程中总有挫折和艰难 我想如果有人出人头地 那为什么不能是我呢?只想让那些觉得我做不到的 我会一鸣惊人 我要去墨尔本大学 想去曼彻斯特大学 学到一身本事再回来回报祖国 师夷长技以制夷
现在付出的努力等到八九月总会有收获 你若盛开 蝴蝶自来